I thought I was a mycophile before the course...
Now, I'm so committed to making mycology a mainstay in our daily lives that my son James and I are setting apart time each week to work and plan out our mushroom farm together. James has just turned 11 but he joined us for the adventure, and it was incredible. He's completely committed to growing and studying mycology as the focus of his homeschooling now! I'm excited to see where it leads.
Peter teaches James the Mycelium Fist Bump
Some take aways from Peter McCoy's incredible course:
1. It's important to get your information (and mushroom strains) from trustworthy folks - there's a lot of sleight of hand out there that Peter does an amazing job of teaching past, so you can see through those types of things more easily.
2. The future is fungal and beyond our conception. We have no idea what fungi are actually doing - they are doing it so fast and on such a micro and macro level at the same time that it's impossible for us to track in situ.
3. We can make superior medicine and food to anything found in the stores for pennies at home especially with liquid culture mycelium methods using the airport lid (thank you Hippie3).
4. Anyone can learn to partner with fungi. My young son's enthusiasm and interest carried him through the drier portions of the course with ease.
5. Fungi is the missing link in all our understanding throughout history - they are the architects, chemists and artists of our very world and reality. They are in us and in everything else all around us even in each breath we take. They are our ancestors and yet entirely alien and ancient as well.
6. Peter McCoy is an amazing teacher that everyone should seek out to learn from. His book Radical Mycology is one of the top 3 best books I've ever read - it's changed my life and how I see the world entirely. You can buy it HERE.
I hope you incorporate fungi into your life for better health of yourself, your family, and your environment.
Grow Abundantly, Learn Daily, & Live Regeneratively,
Matt Powers
The Glove Box
Fruiting on grain spawn - this one is a bit over mature - you can see the fruit inside, condensation, and the mycelium trying to climb the walls.
The Airport lids and syringes made an elegant solution to a complex dance of agar and aseptic conditions.
Learn more about Mycology with Peter McCoy on his site: https://radicalmycology.com
Be sure to join us in the spring in our advanced course with Peter as our mycology instructor as well! You can sign up early at a discount here: http://www.thepermaculturestudent.com/course-signup/the-advanced-permaculture-student-online